Compare Mahindra Veero 1.6 XL V4 (A) vs Mahindra Bolero Maxx City Pikup 1.3 LX
Compare mahindra veero 16 xl v4a vs mahindra bolero maxx city pikup 1 3 lx
Mahindra Veero 1.6 XL V4 (A)
Mahindra Bolero Maxx City Pikup 1.3 LX
1600 Kg
1300 Kg
80 HP
70 HP@3200 rpm
210 Nm
200 Nm@1400-2200 rpm
Body Size
9 ft x 5.4 ft
8.25 x 5.5 ft
3 Years / 1,00,000 Km
3 Years / 1 Lac Km
Service Interval
20,000 Km
20000 Km
Key Comparison of Mahindra Veero 1.6 XL V4 (A) vs Mahindra Bolero Maxx City Pikup 1.3 LX
Compare Mahindra Veero 1.6 XL V4 (A) vs Mahindra Bolero Maxx City Pikup 1.3 LX in detail at ! Mahindra Veero 1.6 XL V4 (A) offers a payload capacity of and gives a power of whereas Mahindra Bolero Maxx City Pikup 1.3 LX produces of power and comes with payload of . Powering the Mahindra Veero 1.6 XL V4 (A) small commercial vehicle is engine. Mahindra Bolero Maxx City Pikup 1.3 LX gets powered by a engine. Future buyers can check detailed pickup and mini truck comparison of Mahindra Veero 1.6 XL V4 (A) with Mahindra Bolero Maxx City Pikup 1.3 LX on the basis of engine, specifications, payload, price, mileage and features. Mahindra Veero 1.6 XL V4 (A) comes with a load body size of whereas Mahindra Bolero Maxx City Pikup 1.3 LX offers a deck size of .’
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