Ashok Leyland 2820 BS6 Tipper EMI
Total Interest
(You''ll pay )
Total Repayment to Bank
(including interest)
Ashok Leyland 2820 BS6 Tipper On Road Price
Ashok Leyland 2820 cargo truck price in India starts from Rs. 41.88 lakhs to Rs. 53.02 lakhs. This price range of the Ashok Leyland 2820 cargo truck may vary as per RTO, taxes, region, etc. At TrucksBuses we provide an EMI calculator in which you can enter your minimum down payment for a year and know your EMI installment. Along with this convenience, TrucksBuses also provides you with discounts, offers, loans and insurance, so you do not need to go to any other place. For further inquiries, click on check on road price in which you have to type your name, mobile number and pin code, then the team member will contact you soon.