Used Ashok Leyland 2516 Truck For Sale In Haryana

Sold Out

Vehicle ID: TB-039598

Second Hand Ashok Leyland 2516 Truck In Haryana

Last Updated: 12 Oct 1999

Used Ashok Leyland 2516 Truck Details


Used Ashok Leyland 2516 Truck For Sale In Haryana Highlights

The model manufacturing year of this used Ashok Leyland 2516 truck is 2013. This old Ashok Leyland 2516 truck comes with a body type of 0 and body length of 32 foot. This second hand Ashok Leyland 2516 truck is registered in the state of Haryana and has 1 owner till date. This Ashok Leyland 2516 second hand truck price has been kept as ₹ 800000 by the seller. You can get in touch with the seller of this particular used Ashok Leyland 2516 truck by clicking on contact seller button and then choosing an online subscription plan as per your suitability of the facilities you want to avail. While buying a second hand used Ashok Leyland 2516 truck, you should be cautious in physically inspecting it’s condition like engine condition, gearbox, chassis frame for cracks (if any), truck body, tyre condition and paper status. offers best used truck price, a wide variety of used truck options and you can find other used Ashok Leyland trucks in the scroller below in case you do not like this particular second hand Ashok Leyland 2516 truck.

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Second Hand Ashok Leyland 2516 Trucks

Second Hand Ashok Leyland Trucks