Comparison Between Tata Intra V50 and Ashok Leyland Dost Plus Pickup

Specifications of Intra V50 and Dost Plus

Specifications of Intra V50 and Dost Plus

Tata Intra V50 and Ashok Leyland Dost Plus pickup is known for its higher payload, superior mileage, more space and bigger tyres. Tata Intra V50 is the higher duty pickup for higher productivity. Ashok Leyland Dost Plus offering more earnings per kilometer.

Payload Capacity

Payload Capacity

Tata Intra V50 and Ashok Leyland Dost Plus both pickups are offering 1500 Kg of loading capacity.



Tata Intra V50 comes with 4 cylinder DI engine which produced by power of 79 HP and torque of 220 Nm. and Ashok Leyland Dost Plus comes with 3 cylinder P15 engine produced by power of 80 HP and torque of 110 Nm.

Body Length

Ashok Leyland Dost Plus available in 8.7x 5.3 feet of long body options. Tata Intra V50 available in 9.8 X 5.3 feet of long load body option.


Ashok Leyland Dost Plus price range starts with Rs 7.67 to 7.87 Lacs* onwards and Tata Intra V50 Pickup price range starts with Rs 8.67 Lacs* onwards.

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