Key Differences between the Maruti Suzuki Super Carry CNG and Tata Intra V20 CNG.

Engine Displacement

Engine Displacement

Maruti Suzuki Super Carry CNG has a 4-cylinder, 1196 cc engine displacement whereas Tata Intra V20 CNG has a 4-cylinder, 1200 cc engine displacement.

Fuel Tank Capacity

Fuel Tank Capacity

Maruti Suzuki Super Carry CNG has a fuel tank of 70 litres and Tata Intra V20 CNG has a 80 litres fuel tank cylinder.



Maruti Suzuki Super Carry CNG comes with a gross vehicle weight of 1600 Kg and Tata Intra V20 CNG comes with a gross vehicle weight of 2295 Kg.

Payload Capacity

Maruti Suzuki Super Carry CNG has a payload capacity of 625 Kg, and Tata Intra V20 CNG has a payload capacity of 1000 Kg.


Maruti Suzuki Super Carry CNG generates a power of 65 HP and 85 Nm torque while Tata Intra V20 CNG generates a power of 53 HP and 95 Nm torque.


Maruti Suzuki Super Carry CNG price starts from Rs. 5.83 Lakhs onwards whereas Tata Intra V20 CNG price range starts from Rs. 8.15 Lakhs onwards (ex-showroom price).

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