Tata LPT 3518 GVW

Tata LPT 3518 GVW

Tata LPT 3518 truck offers GVW of 35000 with tubeless tyres option. This LPT truck available in cabin with chassis, cabin and chassis, Cabin with load body options.

Tata LPT 3518 Engine

Tata LPT 3518 Engine

Tata LPT 3518 truck Cummins ISBe 5.6L 6 cylinder engine produces power of 186 HP and 850 torque of 850 Nm.

Tata LPT 3518 Body Length

Tata LPT 3518 Body Length

Tata LPT 3518 comes with 22, 24, and 28 feet of load body options. This Tata truck available in fixed side deck, high side deck, and container.

Tata LPT 3518 Mileage

Tata LPT 3518 Mileage

Tata 12 wheeler LPT truck mileage range between 3.5-4.5 KMPL*.

Tata LPT 3518 Features

Tata LPT truck comes with many features such as power steering, digital instrument cluster with mileage indicator, telematics, 4 way adjustable seat.

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