Tata Magic Express: Price, Mileage, Specifications

Engine Performance

Engine Performance

Tata Magic Express BS6 van equipped with 0.8L DI, common rail SCR technology that produces maximum power of 44 HP and torque of 110 Nm.

Seating Capacity

Seating Capacity

Seating capacity Tata Magic Express Van has 9+D.



Tata Magic Express 10 seater van comes with a synchromesh gearbox and has 5F+1R transmission.


The top speed of Tata Magic Express van is 80 kmph, so you can reach your destination very fast.


Tata Magic Express 10 seater van has a greadability of 38% so in retrain road you can drive smoothly.


Tata Magic Express 10 Seater Van price in India is Rs. 7.27 to Rs. 7.34 lakh.

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